Daniel Pan, 11 years-old, was killed while riding his bike home from school on Friday, March 21st. Apparently he rode his bike into the path of an oncoming bus that was carrying developmental disabled passengers. The investigation is ongoing and the bus driver has not been charged in this case. Witnesses say the bus stopped at an intersection and proceeded to make a turn. The tall hedges obscured the view on this corner and young Daniel Pan was hit while crossing the street.
As a child grows from infancy, starts to walk, ride a bike, and drive a car; the child’s risk for injury and death changes with the child’s developmental stage and lifestyle. With the exception of infants, accidents are the number one cause of modern mortality in children. According to the National Center for Statistics and Analysis (NCSA), the leading cause of death for children between the ages of 2 – 14 years of age is motor vehicle accidents. Sixty-five percent of child pedestrians killed are male. Most pedestrian fatalities occur between the hours of 4 pm and 8 pm. A greater incidence of these injuries occurs in the spring as compared to the winter months. The Keane Law Firm supports your efforts to keep children safe. Please see our website for tips on child safety.