In Grantsville, Jacob Wayman, a 3-year-old boy, died after falling in a hole and suffocating. The investigation reveals that he fell headfirst from a pile of dirt into a hole that collapsed on him. He suffocated as a result. EMS was called and he was taken to Primary Children’s Medical Center. Attempts to resuscitate him were unsuccessful. He was under the care of a baby sitter when the accident happened.
Because of a toddlers’ lack of judgment, they are at high risk for injury. Their limited coordination, increased curiosity and toddler-problem solving abilities, they will get injured with a lack of supervision. Toddlers will fall down stairs, climb onto furniture and climb through open windows. Males tend to get injured more, but the overall incidence of injury peaks in this age group. The major cause of injury is related to environmental factors, such as hazardous structures, drowning and pools of water, burns and overly heated water, cooking and open flames, motor vehicles and inappropriate use of restraints, and inappropriate storage of household poisons.
The Keane Law Firm joins the community, family and friends of Jacob Wayman and his family in offering condolences for their tragic loss.