News stories report that on June 14th, witnesses phoned police when they saw a 27 year-old man beating a toddler while parked on the side of West Bradbury Road, just outside of Turlock around 10:00 p.m. Despite poor lighting a few of witnesses saw the tragic attack unfolding and notified authorities. A witness at the scene tried to stop the man from beating the child but was not successful.
The deceased child remains unidentified at this time. Investigators will have to confirm identity with DNA testing, as the toddler was beaten beyond recognition. The information about the mother is not known as of the posting of this story.
A Sheriff’s Department helicopter landed near the crime location in a cow pasture allowing a flight officer to approach the assailant on foot. When the assailant continued to beat the toddler despite a police order to stop, the office shot a killed the assailant at the scene. Rescuers tried to resuscitate the toddler, but he died en route to the hospital.
Adults with unrealistic expectations and poor coping skills are most at risk for engaging in abusive or homicidal behavior. While women are more likely (and more frequently) to be the abusers, men abuse more severely. Children under the age of three years old are the most likely victims of abuse.