The healthcare provider will use physical examination, Doppler, echo studies, arteriogram, computerized tomography (CT) scan, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ophthalmologic examination, laboratory tests and skeletal x-rays to check for clinical evidence of SBS. A neurologist may order more tests to identify specific neurological deficits. Brain CT scans and/or MRIs will reveal the severity of the brain and neck injuries. Doppler, echo and arteriogram studies reveal the integrity of vascular structures and blood flow to distal sites. The neurosurgeon may need to do brain surgery to repair the damage and reduce the pressure in the skull. During the course of hospitalization other tests will be performed such as electroencephalograms and neurological evaluation by specialists. An ophthalmic examination will reveal the extent of the injury inside the eyes. Hearing tests will be performed, too.
If you have any questions or concerns about what can be done to help babies who have been shaken due to Shaken Baby Syndrome, Child Abuse, or families of babies who have died, please call Christopher Keane and The Keane Law Firm toll-free for free consultation at (888) 592-5437 (KIDS), click on contact us here, or use the web form provided at