Thankfully, many child injuries related to the late October holiday can be prevented by parents who supervise their children and make every effort to ensure that they are safe. Included here are tips for a safe Halloween:
- Hem your child's costume if it is too long, and make sure every costume is flame-retardant.
- Consider alternatives to trick-or-treating, such as "trunk-or-treating," neighborhood parties, or fall festivals.
- If you do allow your kids to trick-or-treat, consider having them do so during daylight hours only.
- Do not let your children trick-or-treat without your supervision or the supervision of a trusted adult.
- Under no circumstances should you let your child go from house-to-house alone.
- Plan the route your kids will be taking when they trick-or-treat, and be sure that they stick to it. Keeping the route within a neighborhood you know well is a good idea.
- Teach your children to go only to houses that have lights on.
- Make sure that your kids understand to avoid strangers, no matter what.
- Do not let your child enter a house; make sure he or she knows to stay at the door when receiving candy.
- Teach your kids to avoid playing around jack-o-lanterns that are lit.
- Make sure every child carries a flashlight, and make sure that at least one child in every group has a cell phone.
- Remind kids to walk rather than run so they don't fall, and to walk only on sidewalks and driveways.
- Give your children watches to wear so they'll know what time it is and make it home before it gets dark or late.
- Do not allow your children to eat candy before they get home, and check all candy at home before they open it.
For more information on child injuries that occur on other holidays and throughout the year, feel free to contact child injury lawyer Chris Keane. The Keane Law Firm will provide you with free resources unique to your situation.
Click here to contact the Keane Law Firm on the web or feel free to call us at 1-888-592-KIDS.