In Yonkers, Anthonica Saint Victor, 20 year-old from 87 Fort Hill Avenue, was ordered held in Westchester County Jail without bond. She is charged in the death of her infant daughter. The tragic abuse of this infant occurred on the property of the Century County Club, located on Anderson Hill Road, where Ms. Victor’s male friend lived and worked on September 9, 2008. The male friend has been fired from his job at the country club. After the infant was mortally wounded, Ms. Saint Victor and her male friend took a taxi to Westchester Medical Center. Advanced life support measures were implemented in an attempt to save the baby’s life, but were not successful. Presently, the boyfriend is not charged in this case.
Ø Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) is an injurious condition caused by intentional shaking of an infant or child.
Ø The infant’s eyes may get injured and diffuse hemorrhages of both retinas may be present.
Ø An ophthalmic examination will reveal the extent of the injury inside the eyes.
Ø Blindness or permanent visual impairment may result from SBS.
Ø The brain bleeds in many areas from the shaking forces.
Ø The baby or child may sustain a serious neck injury from the shaking.
Ø Because of injury to the brain and neck, the child may need a ventilator or breathing machine to assist with respirations until the brain swelling goes down.
Ø A brain CT scan and/or MRI will reveal the severity of the brain and neck injuries.
Ø A neurologist may order more tests to identify specific neurological deficits.
Ø A neurosurgeon may need to do brain surgery to repair the damage and reduce the pressure in the skull.
Ø The bleeding in the eyes and brain will cause high pressures inside the cranium and globes of the eyes.
Ø If death does not occur, permanent serious neurological damage will likely be permanent.
Ø SBS may cause paralysis, deafness, learning disabilities and seizure disorders.
Ø The infant or child may have seizures.
Ø The infant or child will need many medications to help prevent seizures and other health problems associated with SBS.
Ø An infant or child that has been a victim of SBS may have a poor appetite.
Ø The infant or child may not be able to eat due to weakness and lethargy.
Ø The infant may be diagnosed with Failure to Thrive, if SBS has not been properly diagnosed early.
Ø The infant or child may be weak.
Ø The infant or child may be irritable.
Ø The infant or child may have low or excessively high muscle tone in the extremities or trunk.
Ø The infant or child may appear excessively sleepy.
Ø The infant or child may have pale skin color.
Ø The infant or child may have cool skin temperature.
Ø The infant or child may have difficulty breathing, sudden respiratory arrest.
Ø The infant’s fontanelles may be swollen, depending on the age.
Ø It is important to remember that there may be no bruising, scrapes or outward signs of physical trauma.
Ø The infant or child may only have a change in behavior.