In Fresno, Rena Ireland and LeBarron Vaughn are charged with the murder of Seth Ireland (Hudson), a 10-year-old boy. Allegedly, Rena was the boy’s mother and allegedly, Vaughn was the abusive and controlling boyfriend of the mother who recently moved in with her. According to witnesses, Child Protective Services had plenty of warnings and indications that child abuse was occurring in this home. Joseph Hudson tried to get the attention of CPS, the school principal wrote them a letter and then there were police reports. What about the prior encounters with CPS? And don’t forget the violence in the home that the neighbors reported, what happened to those reports? What does it take for police and CPS to take these reports seriously? Ireland’s family told the press they tried to get involved but Vaughn kept them away.
Joseph Hudson’s son, Seth, told him he was frightened to go back home to his mom and Vaughn. Fourteen days later, Seth was hospitalized and fighting for his life due to child abuse and blunt force trauma. News reports state that on December 29th, Vaughn kicked, punched and stomped on Seth’s head. Can justice come swiftly enough for Vaughn?
Catherine Huera, Child Protective Services, is quoted as saying, “Really, the bottom line when you’re investigating a case, it’s not only what you know, but it’s trying to figure out what you don’t know. And sometimes what you don’t know is where the secrets are.” Brilliant quote Ms. Huera – “secrets” are what you don’t know or what is concealed from others. Only in this case the child abuse was evident, everyone saw it. Who was managing this CPS case? Was CPS waiting for Vaughn to deliver a body to their doorstep?
A child has died tragically. The Keane Law Firm represents children that have been catastrophically injured from child abuse. Please call us, the child abuse law firm for a timely case evaluation at 888-592-KIDS or 415-398-2777. You may visit our website at – we will determine the facts of the case and file a claim to hold those responsible to pay for the damages and loss suffered by the family. In a child death lawsuit, we will recover for the victim’s family. We represent clients nationwide.