In Nebraska, Lauree Turpen faces sentencing for felony charges of intentional child abuse and the serious injuries inflicted on Keagan Boge in September 2007. Keagan Boge sustained a fractured skull and broken ribs while in the care of Ms. Turpen from an alleged shaking incident.  

Because of the severities of Keagan’s injuries, he has a shunt in his head to drain fluid and relieve pressure on his brain. He is recovering and still learning to talk. Ms. Turpen’s sentencing is scheduled for February.  

Adults at risk for committing abusive acts toward children include adults with poor coping skills, unrealistic expectations, substance abuse, former victims of abuse and adults with mental health problems. Environmental factors that usually culminate in abusive events include social isolation, dysfunctional family characteristics and socio-economic burdens. However, SBS may occur in any setting and it is important to know the signs and symptoms that may be present in an infant or child that may be a victim of SBS.  

A child has been severely injured. The Keane Law Firm represents children that have been catastrophically injured from Shaken Baby Syndrome. Please call us, the Shaken Baby law firm for a timely case evaluation at 888-592-KIDS or 415-398-2777.  You may visit our website at – we will determine the facts of the case and file a claim to hold those responsible to pay for the damages to protect the injured child’s future interests. In a Shaken Baby lawsuit, we will recover for pain, suffering, disability, disfigurement, medical bills, hospital bills, home health care costs, rehabilitation costs, nursing care, transportation costs, future lost income and wages, etc…

Christopher Keane
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California Child Abuse and Child Injury Lawyer
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