Jennifer Devarie, Public Policy Specialist for the New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence reports that victims of childhood sexual abuse have until the age of 30 to report the crimes committed against them. Ms. Devarie told reporters that some states have eliminated the limitations for criminal and civil child sex abuse crimes. Legislators have learned that victims of child sex abuse are generally abused by someone close to them, and disclosing these crimes to authorities is generally more difficult in young adulthood. Legislators recognized that significant emotional and physical trauma of this nature often makes it very difficult for a victim to face; and it isn’t until a victim is in their 30s and 40s, that full disclosure may take place.
New Hampshire’s Senate and House of Representatives remains committed to protecting and supporting victims of child sex abuse and have passed some of the strongest laws to protect the rights of these victims.
If you are a victim of child sex abuse, please call the Keane Law Firm before your state statute of limitation to report this crime expires.