In Phoenix, Jesse Ramirez and Edwin Pellecier suffered severe head trauma after allegedly being bludgeoned by Joe Sauceda Gallegos during an attack at west Phoenix Park. Seven-year-old Jesse Ramirez has died from his injuries. Edwin Pellecier’s injuries have been reported to be extensive.  

Gallegos has been arrested and made one court appearance. He is charged with child abuse and dangerous crimes against children. More charges are forthcoming.  

One child has died another is severely injured. The Keane Law Firm represents children that have been catastrophically injured from child abuse. Please call us, the child abuse law firm for a timely case evaluation at 888-592-KIDS or 415-398-2777.  You may visit our website at – we will determine the facts of the case and file a claim to hold those responsible to pay for the damages. In a child abuse lawsuit, we will recover for pain, suffering, disability, disfigurement, medical bills, hospital bills, home health care costs, rehabilitation costs, nursing care, transportation costs, future lost income and wages. We represent clients nationwide.

Christopher Keane
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California Child Abuse and Child Injury Lawyer
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