This is not the first time Kenneth Scott Moreland and Sandy Reynolds Tramble, of Rossville, TN, have been accused of child abuse. These two parents have been investigated before in a different county. The investigation started when Sandy Reynolds Tramble took her seven-month old infant son to Hutchison Medical Center. Health care staff recognized that the infant was neglected and developmentally delayed from maltreatment. Healthcare providers report that the infant will require surgery for injuries to his scrotum and ear. The infant remains hospitalized and in the custody of the Department of Child Services. Walker County Sherriff’s Department is currently investigating the case.   

Mr. Moreland and Ms. Tramble have been arrested and charged with two counts of cruelty to children. They remain in Walker County Jail. Because of additional child abuse allegations in Catoosa County, they will be transported to Catoosa County to face charges of child cruelty there as well.  

Physical abuse is the most overt form of abuse. Physical abuse can result in brain injury, fractured bones, soft tissue injuries, bruises, cuts and burns. Injury to the genital region is indicative of sexual abuse. Neglect of a child is an act of omission or failure to meet the child’s needs, such as poor nutrition, severe malnutrition, failure to thrive and lack of medical attention. Poor hygiene or unsanitary conditions may result in skin infection and injury. Moral neglect exists when parents or caregivers allow a child to remain in environments with immoral conditions. The long term affects of child abuse include developmental arrest in developing basic trust and self worth into adulthood.    


Christopher Keane
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California Child Abuse and Child Injury Lawyer
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