In Bullhead City, Arizona, Mitzie Dawn Hadsall, the 25-year-old mother of an abused three year old boy has been arrested for child abuse charges. Her son was found with severe bruises on his body. The investigation by Bullhead City Police revealed other people close to the situation new about the abuse. The mother’s roommates, Austin Lee Hildenbrand, 23-years-old and Eleanor Ruth Hawes, 50-years-old, allegedly failed to report the child abuse, and now they are facing charges in this case. Investigators are trying to charge a fourth person, Amber Lynn Alliger, 30-years-old with failing to report the abuse in connection with this case.
Reporting child abuse can be done anonymously. If you see a child being mistreated you may report the abuse or mistreatment without having your identity revealed. Child Protective Services will investigate the matter and not disclose who called the complaint in.