In Boone County, Robert Thurman faces charges for suspicion of child abuse and Tammy Thurman faces charges for suspicion of second-degree endangering the welfare of a child. News stories report that the 13-year-old son of Tammy Thurman reported the violence in his home to school authorities. The Thurman family lives in the 6000 block of Teresa Drive, northeast of Columbia. Allegedly, the child reported his step-father Robert Thurman had slammed his head into a wall, knocked him to the floor, stood over him and yelled, then kicked him in the side and back several times. The child also reports he was told to lie to his mother, Tammy, about what happened when the mother came home. The beating stopped with Tammy Thurman came home. Boone County Sherriff’s Office arrested Robert Thurman and Tammy Thurman. Robert Thurman remains in jail and Tammy Thurman was released with a cash-only bond.
Adults with unrealistic expectations and poor impulse control - these two features in an adult's personality often figure prominently in a child abuser’s profile.
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