In a tragic story that has gather significant attention in San Francisco, young Ryan White is still recovering from a August 4 car accident where he was hit on Mission and New Montgomery.  Ryan and his family were reportedly visiting from Philadelphia to see the the Giants-Phillies game.    Ryan is hospitalized at SF General Hospital, the city's trauma center.

A suspect, Andrew Vargas, has been charged with injuring Ryan.  You can read the Examiner story on this accident here.

The Keane Law Firm, a San Francisco firm which focuses its work on lawsuits for survivors of catastrophic child injury and abuse, hopes that Ryan has the best possible recovery.  While the prosecutors will take care of criminal charges involving Mr. Vargas, it is important that Ryan, and children like him who are injured in car accidents in San Francisco, receive not only top care in the hospital, but individualized care with home health care and with his own legal rights once he gets out of the hospital.  For parents and guardians of children injured in San Francisco car accidents, our firm has published a free book called Little Kids in Big Cases: Car Accidents.  This book will go a along way, with easy to understand language, outlining a child's rights after a serious car accident.

Christopher Keane
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California Child Abuse and Child Injury Lawyer
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