We recently added a post to our Shaken Baby Syndrome Blog about a 23-year-old father who has been charged with aggravated child abuse and first-degree murder for allegedly shaking his 2 1/2-month-old daughter. To read more about this incident of wrongful death from abusive head trauma, click here.
If you have lost a child due to shaken baby syndrome, child abuse and child injury attorney Chris Keane can help you connect with other families and organizations that can help you through the coping process. If you believe that your child may be suffering from shaken baby syndrome, the Keane Law Firm can help you find the medical care your child needs to diagnose and treat his or her injuries. For free answers to any questions you may have regarding shaken baby syndrome (abusive head trauma), wrongful death, or helpful programs for victims of child abuse, contact Chris Keane in an online form or call 1-888-592-KIDS.