The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) exists "to serve, aid, and protect needy and vulnerable children and adults in ways that strengthen and preserve families, encourage personal responsibility, and foster independence." With more than 4,200 employees and multiple divisions and programs, the CDSS is responsible for providing services to the elderly, children and families, community centers and facilities, disabled residents, and workers throughout the state of California. The CDSS includes the following divisions, among many others:
Children & Families Services Division: assists with foster care, adoptions, welfare, and children's programs.
Community Care Licensing Division: serves children, parents, and the elderly through the oversight of licensed facilities throughout the state, such as special agencies and residential facilities for children.
Disability Determination Service: determines whether California residents with disabilities are medically eligible for benefits.
Human Rights & Community Services: ensures that all residents receive equal access to services and benefits according to the civil rights mandates of the local and national government.
Welfare to Work: assists needy families using state programs such as CalWORK, Tribal TANF, and refugee and foodstamp programs.
Recent estimates from the California Department of Social Services state that more than 713,000 children were involved in child abuse cases that were referred for investigation. If you have questions regarding child abuse, foster care, or child injuries or disabilities, contact the Keane Law Firm for free information and resources. Attorney Chris Keane focuses his practice on children and only children, and he works with each case to ensure that children receive the proper care they need following serious injury or abuse. Feel free to call 1-888-592-KIDS (1-888-592-5437) with your most pressing questions or click here to contact our firm via the web.
Links: California Department of Social Services