Child abuse Jessica's law and California|California child abuse lawyer

Christopher Keane
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California Child Abuse and Child Injury Lawyer
Posted on Oct 29, 2010
California has one of the highest population of registered sex offenders in the nation.  This can be very scary for parents and guardians who want to protect their children.    

Jessica's law, which was passed in California as Proposition 83 in November 2006, requires the government to track and catch sexual predators who live within 2000 feet of playgrounds and schools.  As of June 2008, there are more than 108,000 paroled sex offenders in California.  Of those, more than 6300 are subject to Jessica's law registration and tracking requirements.   Also, there are approximately 6500 who are being tracked by a GPS device. Parole agents from the California Department of Corrections are responsible for enforcing these residency tracking requirements.  If you have questions about your children's safety, or if you suspect that your child's safety has been compromised because of the government's failure to properly enforce this law, contact California child abuse lawyers at the Keane Law Firm to answer your questions for free.

This subject comes up around this time of year - meaning election time - because politicians want to appear to be very concerned about children's safety and child abuse prevention.  The California child abuse lawyers at the Keane Law Firm are supportive of all efforts to prevent child abuse.  The article linked to this story presents a current interesting take by writer Trey Bundy of the Bay Citizen on politicians and the subject of child abuse and government responsibility in California for children's safety - check it out. 


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