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Mike Tyson's 4-Year-Old Daughter Dies After Tragic Treadmill Accident | CA Child Injury LawyerRecent reports of the tragic death Mike Tyson's 4-year-old daughter, Exodus, have broken hearts and increased awareness of child vulnerability around treadmills, but the news reports have not necessarily alerted the public of the frequency of child injuries from treadmill accidents.
Day Care Closed After Van Accident Sends Seven Children to Hospitals | California Child Car Accident LawyerA day care center has been shut down until completion of an investigation into a car accident that sent seven children to the hospital with injuries. If your child has been injured at day care or in a car accident, feel free to contact us with your important and unique questions.
Former Indiana Day Care Owner Charged With Battery That Led to Child's Blunt Head Trauma and Death | CA Shaken Baby Syndrome AttorneyA former day care center owner has been charged with battery that led to a 6-month-old baby's death. A doctor determined that the child suffered blunt head trauma that is typically a result of the brain hitting the skull while being shaken.
Flordia Man Arrested After Swinging & Throwing Infant Against Couch | California Child Abuse Lawyer in San FranciscoA man from Florida was arrested after admitting to swinging a baby by his leg and throwing the infant against the couch multiple times. Medical evidence reveals head trauma and other injuries resulting from child abuse.
Commendable coverageAs pediatricians and members of the San Francisco Child Abuse Prevention Center's board of directors, we commend The Chronicle's coverage of the iPhone "Baby Shaker" application and the focus on this deeply disturbing issue.
- The history of National Child Abuse Prevention Month -This story provides a brief overview about the history of April being child abuse prevention month.
The New York Times reports that brain damage in football players is being studied. But the cash-cow NFL allegedly disputes the existence of risk for brain damage, which crosses the boundary of football strategy and engages in scientific debates of which are out of its league. Who is paying the researchers for NFL data on brain injury?An NFL football player knows what information the NFL is putting out there about the risk for chronic traumatic encephalopathy. News stories report the NFL is studying the matter and will have more results in a few years.
Football Head Injury Research needs major funding for crystal technology.Crystal technology is patented. The Football Head Injury Research program needs funding to use crystal technology in its research. The data gained will be quantifiable and measurable.
In athletes, multiple concussions during sports-careers may lead to permanent neurological deficits and possible repetitive traumatic encephalopathy – a form of traumatic brain injury.In athletes, multiple concussions during sports-careers may lead to permanent neurological deficits and possible repetitive traumatic encephalopathy. In general, subtle neurological deficits may occur in athletes that have suffered one or two concussions. The symptoms are similar to people with early stage dementia. Repetitive (chronic) traumatic encephalopathy has more severe consequences and may shorten a victim’s life span. This phenomenon may occur when an athlete has suffered more than two concussions and the effects are cumulative.
News stories across the country report a rise in the occurrence of domestic violence, child abuse and shaken baby syndrome due to the economy.Across the country, hospitals are seeing a rise in admissions for child abuse and shaken baby syndrome, courts are experiencing an increase in requests for protection orders and domestic abuse agencies are experiencing a rise in call volume due to the economy.