Our Child Injury Blog
Our legal team regularly updates this blog for parents of children who have been injured. Visit our blog to get important information about the law, child safety information, and legal commentary.
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In Pierce County, a jury awarded an 11.7M verdict for death of 2 year-old Gabriel Tobin.
Nicholas Munden, 6 month old infant, died from child abuse. His twin brother was hospitalized.
Mitzie Dawn Hadsall, Austin Lee Hildenbrand, Eleanor Ruth Hawes and Amber Lynn Alliger face possible charges of child abuse for failing to report the abuse.
In Kentucky, Patrick Watkins and Joy Watkins are sentenced to life in prison for the brutal murder of their 10-year-old daughter, Michaela Watkins.
Molli R. Allison, 14-year-old, died from injuries sustained in a car accident on Friday, October 10, 2008.
Clarence L. Taylor was charged with second-degree sexual battery.
Shannon L. Baierl, 32 faces felony charges for drunk driving that caused the death of an infant. Family and friends mourn the loss of seven month old, Karen Garcia.
Playkids, U.S.A convertible cribs are recalled after a baby suffocated and died.
Aaron Leroy Montgomery was convicted for assault on a child causing death and felony child endangerment for the 2005 Shaken Baby death of his 6-week-old son, Jordan Montgomery.
Joseph G. Heil, III faces charges of homicide by vehicle while driving under the influence of alcohol. Melissa Fogel is dead.