In Ohio, Tyler Hadler, 20 year-old allegedly struck Patrick Smith with his car and pinned him against a garage on September 23, 2008. The incident occurred on the corner of North Ogden Avenue and Grace Street. Hadler allegedly drove down a one-way street heading in the wrong direction to carry out this crime. News stories report that witnesses say that they witnessed Hadler intentionally chase Smith down to run him down. Patrick Smith was taken emergently to Mount Carmel West Hospital in critical condition where he died several hours later.  

Hadler was arrested and charged with murder. Allegedly drugs were found in his car after police arrived to the scene.  

According to the State of Ohio, Office of Criminal Justice Services, young males are much more likely to be victims of homicide than any other age group. In 2004, there was an increase in homicides for three months of summer with the highest incidence occurring during the month of September. Three quarters of the victims are male in early adulthood, generally between the ages of 16 – 30 years of age. White males make up 42% of the male victims of homicide. Male homicide offenders outnumber female offenders 6:1. Demographics for homicide offenders are similar for homicide victims. Few homicides are random. The victim usually knows the offender. Cars are not commonly used as weapons in homicide. 

Christopher Keane
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Pam 11/17/2008 01:47 PM
I'm wondering if you think the family of Patrick Smith has a wrongful death case against the family of Tyler Hadler. The act was intensional, so car insurance wouldn't cover any damages, and Tyler Hadler still lives at home with his parents.
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Sharon Christie 01/28/2011 09:29 AM
I was a friend of Patrick and no matter how pissed off i am and hurt i would never wish death on another family
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