Kristy VanEtten admitted to investigators that she shook her son violently on more than one occasion. Her trial is taking place this week. The prosecutors showed a child abuse video in court to emphasize what parents see when they give birth at Corning Hospital. News stories report that parents are required to watch this video prior to discharge home with their infants. A Corning Hospital nurse testified that she did have the VanEtten couple sign a document claiming they saw the Shaken Baby video as part of the discharge planning. However, the defense says the nurse has no proof they paid attention to the video. The prosecutors are demonstrating that Ms. VanEtten knew the hazards of shaking a child and disregarded the risk to her toddler’s life. The toddler died from the brain trauma.    

Deputy Chief Medical Examiner, Dianne Vertes, stated the toddler died from blunt force trauma to the brain.



Christopher Keane
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