A tragic story has been published in Omaha, Nebraska concerning allegations that a child has died from shaken baby syndrome. Orlando Were, reported to be 16 months old, when he was allegedly shaken. A person, Tyler Kennedy, has reportedly been charged with a crime related to the death of Orlando Were. It was reported that Kennedy was watching Orlando Were for his mother, Cindy Cooper. Of note, it was reported that Cooper had been charged with negligent child abuse in Sarpy County, Nebraska, from alleged actviity in June involving her, Orlando Were and Farri Were, the father of the deceased child.
As with all cases of alleged shaken baby syndrome resulting in the death of an innocent child, it would be important to ask these questions:
1) Were there any signs of prior child abuse or neglect?
2) If there were signs, was a mandated reporter of child abuse made aware of these allegations?
3) Did the mandated report alter child protective services, as required by state law?
4) Was an investigation done?
5) What did the investigation show?
6) Was the child placed or released back into a dangerous home, thereby increasing the risk to the child of potential future abuse?
7) What do the child abuse forensic experts indicate was the manner and time of injury?
8) Last, was there time in between the time a mandated reporter and/or child protective serices was aware of the alleged abuse of the child and his ultimate death (i.e. such that child welfare services could have intervened and protected the child, and prevented his death)